The Power of InfluxDB 3.0

Made for developers to build time series applications quickly and to scale.

InfluxDB 3.0 is a quantum leap forward for time series databases


Better write


Reduction in
storage costs


Faster queries for high
cardinality data


Faster queries for
recent data

Compared to InfluxDB Open Source

Run InfluxDB where you need it

In the Cloud

InfluxDB Cloud Serverless

A fully managed, performant, and elastic time series database service. Storage and compute automatically scale to your workloads so there’s no infrastructure to manage. Ingest billions of data points per second with unlimited cardinality. SQL support accelerates query and application development. Pay for the resources you use and nothing more.

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InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated

The benefit of a fully managed time series database, running on cloud infrastructure dedicated to, and optimized for your workloads. InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated lets you customize configurations and enables regulatory or data residency requirements. Capacity-based pricing ensures the resources you need are always available.

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InfluxDB Clustered

The evolution of InfluxDB Enterprise, InfluxDB Clustered is a self-managed time series database cluster delivered as software for on-premises or private cloud deployment.

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InfluxDB 3.0 is rebuilt for unlimited scale and lower TCO