Products / InfluxDB Clustered

InfluxDB Clustered

Self-managed infrastructure on-premises or in your private cloud. Keep your time series data where you need it.

Unparalleled availability, performance, and cost optimization

Run and scale secure, enterprise-grade workloads with lower total costs


Better write


Reduction in
storage costs


Faster queries for high
cardinality data


Faster queries for
recent data

Compared to InfluxDB Open Source

Designed for self-managed workloads at scale

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Real-time analytics

InfluxDB uses multiple storage tiers to optimize query performance. The “hot” tier data consists of live and recently queried data to deliver real-time results.

Reduced total cost of ownership

High-ratio data compression, using the open source Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet file format, allows you to store more data, using less space, on all low-cost object storage.

Familiar languages

InfluxDB supports SQL (and SQL-line InfluxQL) for data queries, reducing friction, and enabling rapid application development. Client libraries in multiple languages (Python, Go, C#, etc.) provide more flexibility.
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Single source of truth

Eliminate data silos and simplify data pipelines. Collect, analyze, and store all types of time series data, including metrics, events, and traces, in a single data store.
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Data ingest at scale

Cardinality limits are a thing of the past. Ingest high-velocity and high cardinality data — to the tune of hundreds of millions of time series data points per second – without impacting performance.
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Vibrant ecosystem of tools for builders

Work with familiar languages, tools, and open data ecosystems to simplify data pipelines, build and integrate applications faster, and maximize value using machine learning and higher-order analytical tasks.

Trusted by more than half a million users

We decided, from a monitoring perspective, that we are going with a best of breed setup. So, we put the best tools in place, like InfluxDB for metrics monitoring.
Daniel Putz,
DevOps Enablement, Volvo
InfluxDB is a high-speed read and write database. The data is being written in real time, you can read in real time, and when you’re reading it, you can apply your machine learning model. So, in real time, you can forecast, and you can detect anomalies.
Rajeev Tomer,
Sr. Manager of Data Engineering,
Capital One
I cannot tell you how much we reach out to InfluxData Technical Support, which has been really, really, really helpful to help us out in time of need.
Dennis Brazil,
SRE Monitoring, PayPal

Customize InfluxDB Clustered for your enterprise

InfluxDB Clustered is the evolution of InfluxDB Enterprise, making it the solution for enterprises that need control over their data and underlying infrastructure. Clustered turns any InfluxDB instance into a production-ready cluster that can run anywhere.

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High availability

Built from a collection of Kubernetes-based containers, clustering stores data across nodes meaning it’s always available, accessible, and recoverable, enabling you to support uptime SLAs and prevent data loss.

Control your infrastructure

Bring your own infrastructure to ensure capacity, compute, and security align with your organizational requirements. Clustered runs on-prem, or in private and public cloud environments.

Optimized for your needs

Deeper access and granular control of the underlying infrastructure and configurations allows you to optimize database instances to meet workload performance requirements.
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World-class support

24/7 support comes from professionals with expertise in all aspects of the software. We are here to help from development and proof-of-concept to QA/test, production, and deployment.
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Secure and reliable

Clustered encrypts data in transit and at rest. Clustered has private networking options, single sign-on (SSO), attribute-based access control (ABAC), and support for fully air-gapped deployments.

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Capacity-based pricing

We license InfluxDB Clustered based on the total CPU and RAM of the cluster configuration that you choose. This enables predictable pricing and puts you in control of your costs.

Power. Flexibility. Control. InfluxDB Clustered.

Turn your self-managed stack into a real-time analytics workhorse. InfluxDB Clustered brings the power and flexibility of InfluxDB 3.0 to self-managed infrastructure, giving you the control you need to get the most out of your data.

Smart Data Platform Diagram - Clustered

Learn more about InfluxDB Clustered

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