Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies and governments, allowing subscribers to have a full-fledged virtual cluster of computers, available all the time, through the internet.

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InfluxDB and AWS - 100x more powerful

Together, InfluxData and AWS are working to simplify the developer experience for time series data by making it easier to discover, register and deploy InfluxDB Cloud within AWS. InfluxDB Cloud on AWS is the first serverless time series database-as-a-service, purpose-built to meet the specialized requirements of today’s time-sensitive workloads. InfluxDB is up to 100 times more powerful than non-specialized time series databases.

InfluxDB Cloud for AWS has all the core capabilities of InfluxDB database:

  • Time series data storage and querying
  • Processing in the background
  • Integrations with third-party services (including those from AWS)
  • Collection agent configuration
  • Highly configurable dashboards and alert processing

Why use InfluxDB Cloud on AWS?


Performance matters

Get real-time visibility into your AWS cloud applications and infrastructure with the ability to rapidly ingest, compute and compress millions of metrics per second.

Complete solution

InfluxDB on AWS is a fast, elastic, serverless real-time monitoring platform, dashboarding engine, analytics service, and event and metrics processor to help you get the insights you need to stay competitive.

Streamlined access

Enable your team to access InfluxDB and the cloud resources they need easily with integrated billing on the AWS Marketplace so they can focus on what matters.

AWS Marketecture Diagram

InfluxDB in the AWS Marketplace

With InfluxDB on the AWS Marketplace, you can select a subscription service choice and duration terms that fit your needs. You benefit from a simplified software procurement experience by leveraging your existing payment terms with AWS, and get consolidated billing for all of your AWS services, software, and InfluxDB usage. InfluxDB Cloud is currently available in the US West (Oregon), US East (Virginia) and Europe (Frankfurt) regions.

Visit the AWS Marketplace today to subscribe:

InfluxDB Cloud

Don’t have an AWS Marketplace account? Sign up with InfluxData to try InfluxDB Cloud for free.

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Key resources

Start monitoring in minutes

AWS CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events - providing you with a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS and on-premises servers. InfluxDB Templates are pre-configured monitoring solutions that help you get up and running quickly and can be customized to fit your needs. Using the InfluxDB Template for AWS CloudWatch you can easily launch a monitoring solutions to detect anomalous behavior in your environments, receive and act on alerts, and view the pre-made dashboard to discover insights to keep your applications running smoothly.

Try This Template

Integrated with AWS services and products

InfluxDB works seamlessly with popular projects like Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana and has native support for AWS applications and services. Collect metrics and build dashboards for these services quickly and easily:

  • AWS CloudWatch: Import CloudWatch metrics with the CloudWatch Telegraf plugin from S3, VPC, DynamoDB and 83 other AWS services into InfluxDB for more powerful dashboarding, anomaly detection and alerting that's easy to configure.
  • AWS EC2, ECS and Fargate: Monitor performance metrics inside your EC2 virtual machines, ECS containers, and Fargate containers, using the Telegraf AWS ECS plugin or Telegraf's generalized plugins for system monitoring and Docker monitoring. The Telegraf ECS plugin is Fargate compatible, and uses the Amazon ECS v2 metadata and stats API endpoints to gather stats on running containers in a task.
  • AWS EKS: Inventory the components of your Kubernetes clusters running on AWS, and track the performance of each pod and container, using the Telegraf Kubernetes and Kubernetes Inventory plugins.
  • AWS Kinesis: Ingest data from AWS Kinesis for analysis, visualization, and alerting, using the Telegraf Kinesis consumer plugin. Use AWS Kinesis to send data to AWS IoT Core. You can also use Telegraf to publish data to Kinesis as well.
  • AWS RDS: Enrich your time series data by joining it with your relational data in RDS, using Flux, our new data scripting language. This works with AWS RDS for MySQL, MariaDB, and Postgres.
  • AWS synthetic monitoringTrack the response times of all your AWS API HTTP endpoints.
  • AWS Programmatic BillingImport your Programmatic Billing data into InfluxDB to better understand AWS spend.
  • IoT data collection & analysis: If you're pulling data from IoT devices and sensors into AWS, use the Telegraf MQTT PluginAMQP PluginJSON PluginHTTP Listener PluginKinesis ConsumerDDS Plugin, or other IoT plugins, then use Flux to enrich, analyze, visualize and alert on it.

Customer use cases


Combining the Power of InfluxDB & AWS for IoT

Bernard Paques, AWS
Kévin Polossat, AWS

Data from sensors and systems flows in from a myriad of sources in industrial settings. In this session, learn how to combine the power of InfluxDB with IoT tools and cloud resources from AWS to extract the most value out of your IoT data. We’ll also be sharing some real-world examples of how customers are using these combined solutions to gain a competitive edge. This session also includes a demonstration of capturing data from a device and sending it to AWS IoT Core to InfluxDB Cloud via Amazon Kinesis and Telegraf.

Available as InfluxDB Open Source, InfluxDB Cloud & InfluxDB Enterprise
