InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.

Paul Dix

Paul Dix

Paul is the creator of InfluxDB. He has helped build software for startups, large companies, and organizations including Microsoft, Google, McAfee, Thomson Reuters, and Air Force Space Command. He is the series editor for Addison Wesley’s Data & Analytics book and video series. In 2010 Paul wrote the book Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails for Addison-Wesley. In 2009 he started the NYC Machine Learning Meetup, which now has more than 13,000 members. Paul holds a degree in computer science from Columbia University.

The Plan for InfluxDB 3.0 Open Source

The commercial version of InfluxDB 3.0 is a distributed, scalable time series database built for real-time analytic workloads. It supports infinite cardinality, SQL and InfluxQL as native query languages, and manages data efficiently in object storage as Apache Parquet files. It...

Recovery of InfluxDB Cloud Data in GCP Belgium

On Monday, July 10, I shared an update that, as part of broader efforts to consolidate cloud regions (and in anticipation of InfluxDB 3.0), InfluxData discontinued InfluxDB Cloud service in two regions: AWS Sydney and GCP Belgium. We communicated this change...

Compactor: A Hidden Engine of Database Performance

This article was originally published in InfoWorld and is reposted here with permission. The compactor handles critical post-ingestion and pre-query workloads in the background on a separate server, enabling low latency for data ingestion and high performance for queries. The demand...

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