InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.

Jessica Wachtel

Jessica Wachtel

Jessica Wachtel is a Developer Marketing Writer at InfluxData where she creates content that helps make the world of time series data more understandable and accessible. Jessica has a background in software development and technical journalism.

Optimize Equipment with Data-Driven Analytics

We want machines in good working order, making products of superior quality. This isn’t news. But what is newsworthy is that routine maintenance can still lead to more downtime than necessary. Not all maintenance programs are created equally. Keeping capital equipment...

Meet the Founders Who Rewrote in Rust

The webinar Meet the Founders: An Open Discussion About Rewriting Using Rust includes an in-depth conversation between Mrinal Wadhwa, CTO and Founder of Ockam and Paul Dix, CTO and Founder of InfluxData about their ground-up rewrites from C and Go, respectively,...

Optimize Industrial IoT Data with InfluxDB and AWS

The modern factory’s relationship with data is experiencing a major change. Data now shapes the future rather than only telling the story of the past. The language inside the factory sounds like higher Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) as the result of...

Two Methods for Connecting to InfluxDB 3.0

InfluxDB 3.0 has 10x better storage compression and performance, supports unlimited cardinality data, and delivers lightning-fast SQL queries compared to previous versions. These gains are the result of our new database engine built on top of Apache Arrow. Apache Arrow processes...

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