InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.

Paul Dix

InfluxDB v0.9.0 release update

This is an update to the v0.9.0 release plan I posted a month ago. The short answer is: it’s not released or ready yet, but we’re making great progress. We would rather disappoint you on a release date than disappoint you...

Paul Dix

InfluxDB v0.9.0 Release Plan

Happy April 1st everyone! As you can see, March has come and gone and we haven’t yet released the official version of 0.9.0 of InfluxDB. Let’s call this our elaborate April fool’s joke. Seriously though, we’re very hard at work on...

Paul Dix

One year of InfluxDB and the road to 1.0

I’m sitting in a Starbucks in Tokyo as I write this. I’m here because Shuhei Tanuma, a developer at GREE, has invited me to give a talk about our experiences developing InfluxDB in Golang at a GREE tech event. Shuhei is...

Paul Dix

InfluxDB v0.5.0 ready for production

InfluxDB version 0.5.0 has been released and is ready for production! Well, ready for production depending on your comfort level. There are still issues and features we want to address. However, there are no known bugs that cause a crash or...

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